Monday, December 24, 2007

How to take good Notes in Class?

Taking Notes in Class

Learning how to take good notes in class is an important part of study preparation. The information provided and topics covered by your teacher are what you will be studying. If you don’t take good notes in class you won’t know what to study once class is over.

There are three step the must be completed in order to take good notes in class.

1. Prepare to Take Note Before Class Begins

Before coming to class you should review your notes from the previous class. Since your teacher will build on your notes from the previous class period it is important that review these notes so that you can understand the new concepts being taught. Also, make sure to bring plenty of pens, pencils and paper for taking notes.

2. Take Effective Notes During Class

Make sure to stay focused. Paying attention to what your teacher is saying is essential to taking good notes in class. You want to include all the important information in your notes but you don’t want to write down every sing word. If you try to write down everything your teacher says you’re sure to miss important concepts. Listen for “signal statements” such as “The most important point…”, “Don’t forget that…”, “Remember that…”, or “The test will include…”. When you hear these statements you’ll know that to start writing. Also, make sure to write down anything your teacher writes on the chalkboard or repeats several times. Make sure to write quickly so that you can cover all the important topics in your notes. You may also consider abbreviating certain words in order to save time. For example, instead of percent use the % sign. Instead of writing Unite States write U.S.

If you get behind or don’t understand a concept make a mark on your paper to remind you to come back and review the subject in more detail but keep taking notes and keep up with the pace of your teacher.

3. After Class Over Rewrite Your Notes

Rewriting your notes after each a class is the final step to taking effective notes. Rewriting your notes will give you the opportunity review concepts the were difficult to understand while they’re still fresh in your mind, change abbreviated works into complete words, and answer questions you had during class.

Writing effective notes will help you better prepare for tests and learn more in the process

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